Have you ever called your bank or credit card company to report a lost or stolen card, only to find it the very next day? What if the same thing happens after you call to report a lost passport? Here’s what you need to know if you find your passport after reporting it lost or stolen:
- Just like a credit card, a passport is invalid after it’s reported lost or stolen. Don’t try to use your passport to travel-you’ll have to wait until you get a new one!
- Send the passport in to the following address:
U.S. Department of State
Passport Services
Consular Lost/Stolen Passport Section
1111 19th Street, NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036 - If you’d like, when you send in your lost passport you can include a written request to have your passport returned to you once it’s canceled. The Department of State will cancel the passport and then send it back so that you can keep it as a souvenir of your international travels.
If you’ve lost your passport and you have an international trip planned in the near future, you can get your new passport expedited. The US Passport Agency offers expedited service to replace a lost passport for an additional charge of $60.00 plus overnight shipping. With this option, you’ll get your new passport within 2 weeks. If you need it sooner, you can apply in person at a US Passport Agency office. If you don’t have the time to spare or there isn’t an office near you, a private expediting company can get your passport for you in as little as 24 hours, with no appointments or waiting in line necessary!