
Blog Entries on passport services

What is a Damaged Passport?

What is a Damaged Passport?

You shouldn’t travel with a damaged passport. But how damaged does it have to be before it’s considered unusable? If you travel frequently, your passport will eventually end up in less-than-pristine condition. How do you tell the difference between “normal, acceptable wear and tear” and “too damaged to travel”?

What is a Damaged Passport?

So, should a crease in the back of your passport keep you from traveling?

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Travel Requirements for the 2024 Paris Olympics

Travel Requirements for the 2024 Paris Olympics

As the world eagerly awaits the grand event, the 2024 Paris Olympics promises to be a spectacular celebration of unity, sportsmanship, and athletic prowess. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the exciting events, share essential information on travel requirements, and provide tips for securing the perfect hotel for your unforgettable Olympic experience.

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