You’ve always wanted to travel the world, right? Well, what’s stopping you?  Becoming a world traveler is a big change. Are you just not sure where to start?

Over at Almost Fearless, Christine Gilbert is offering an ebook that just might help you get your rear in gear, so to speak. The ebook, a compilation of a month’s worth of blog posts, is a guide to help you make the changes you need to make your lifestyle more travel-friendly. It covers topics like how to make more money, how to find a travel-friendly job, staying safe on the road, homeschooling kids, making arrangements for pets and much more.

Even better, right now the ebook is available as a free PDF download for subscribers to the Almost Fearless blog. All you have to do to qualify is subscribe to the blog via RSS or email. The ebook is free for now, but it may not be after January 10th, so if you’re interested, now is the time to go get it.

If you plan on traveling the world in the near future, of course, you’ll also need to get a passport if you’ve never had one before, or get a passport renewal if your passport is expired.

At RushMyPassport, we make getting a passport easier by providing you expert help with your application.  Then, we hand-deliver your documents to the US Department of State for super-fast processing-often as fast as 24 hours.  Compare that to the normal processing times of 6 weeks for standard service and 3 weeks for expedited service!

Ready to travel the world? Get a passport today!